Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alex Gabriel Bernstein

"Throughout his work, Alex Gabriel Bernstein combines the process of cast glass with a technique of carved sculpture. Then, capitalizing on an early accident he had in his father’s studio that became an experiment and now part of his signature technique, Bernstein selectively coats the surface of the cast glass block with fused steel filings. The union of these techniques plays the pure, translucent fragility of the glass medium against the visceral, physical, and mechanical nature of the carved gesture and the modern solidity of steel.
The resulting sculptures seem to be simultaneously in motion and petrified, organic and industrial, constantly passing between opposing states; yet while the elements of the sculptures defy the eye, the viewer is pulled closer, tempted to touch, to knock, to explore the mysterious alchemy at the crux of each form." - Chappell Gallery

To see more of his work go to Chappell Gallery.

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