Sunday, May 10, 2009

Stacy Snyder

"I am inspired by the landscapes and structures that have surrounded me during my life. I grew up in the mountains of southwest Virginia and have lived in the middle of a city. The silos, corncribs, wooden barns and rural structures that time has weathered and pulled influence my forms, spaces and the relationships of the pots to one another. I am fascinated by the water towers perched atop tall city buildings and the limited space that has forced the buildings to be more vertical. The glazing and patterns are derived from old tools, the bold lines of a plowed field or a weathering wall. Color brings each piece to life, beginning with the color of grass in the winter or the earth I remember playing with as a child and adding to it a cardinal or a redbud in bloom." - Stacy Snyder

To see more of her work go to

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