"Enclosures, environments, containers- these are some of the things referenced in my work. Other important ideas and concepts are the appreciation for the natural form, the multiple, the evocative, the relationship between the work and the environment, and the shelter/ladder form as metaphor.Organic forms-pods, worms, nuts-as well as architectonic forms-ladders, homes, shelters-are inspirations that I loosely reference. The sculptural vessels I create refer to natural, organic forms as objects that are enclosed or contained, or act as the container or enclosure.I work predominately in metal and clay, preferring rusted, heat treated and patinaed surfaces on the various metals I use. The clay pieces are frequently smoke fired or rubbed with oxides. I like to allow the intrinsic quality of the material used to emerge through the process and manipulation. It is important to me to let the materials speak for themselves and let the work be honest." -
Virginia McKinney
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