"From a distance, Jerry Bleem's baskets are elegant, curved shapes. Possessing various degrees of formal complexity, these works sit quietly, Zen-like, and as the viewer approaches, gradually reveal their elaborate surfaces. At first appearing stitched and tactile, when the steel staples are recognized as the mark-making device, the sculptures turn from soft to prickly. In effect, Bleem creates a skin that defines inside and outside space. These forms are executed without relying upon any kind of armature; staples are the only adhesives used.The densely stapled materials gradually reveal themselves. Bleem uses a variety of found materials including fish scales, maps and blueprints. Rarely valuable, sometimes transformed and always cut into small pieces that allow the artist to negotiate a variety of bends and twists, these connected and embellished bits document a slightly unnerving aggression. " - del Mano Gallery
To see more of his work go to http://www.fiberscene.com/galleries/gallery7.html
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